A few months ago i decided that my resume need something “more”, something to put me a bit forward against other CV’s. Personally a think, that if you Do want to study and make a course, better to get a certification on the final.
As for books I’ve read SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055), this is a very good book and it comes with a browsable helping section with a theoretical resume and question/answering of every book section, you may download a free copy of this SCJP book.
Because Internet is a major source of information i will post some helping sites. First things First, at http://www.javaranch.com/ you will Always find someone to help and in a Polite and Fast way. At javaranch you may find a forum dedicated to SCJP information with advices from people who already did the certification and lots of questions, with their corresponding answers, from people who are trying this certification, so before going any further start with this SCJP FAQ and then go through the SCJP forum.
A few more sites that will help you out:
http://www.blackbeltfactory.com/DocumentView.wwa?page=CourseJavaOOFundamentals http://javacertificationexams.blogspot.com/ (a great blog with lots of information)
After reading the book, a couple of times (or even more than a couple) its time to test your knowledge.
Here is a completely list of free SCJP Mock tests, again, start with the test section from your friends at JavaRanch.com
and follow a few more: