Take the following Oracle function as example:
sql>create or replace
function “func_get_project_id” (p_project_code varchar2) return varchar2 is
param_value varchar2(255);
select project.id into param_value from project, costelement where project.costelementid = costelement.id and code = p_project_code;
return param_value;
when others then
return sqlerrm;
end func_get_project_id;
1- The first option is to call the function using a select:
sql>select func_get_project_id(‘e/0900-04’) from dual;
2- The second option is to set the activate the server output:
sql>set serveroutput on
sql>exec dbms_output.put_line( func_get_project_id(‘e/0900-04’));
3- The third and last option is to set the activate the server output via PL/SQL:
param_value varchar2(255);
dbms_output.enable (1000000);
select project.id into param_value from project, costelement where project.costelementid = costelement.id and code = p_project_code;
sql>exec dbms_output.put_line( func_get_project_id(‘e/0900-04’));